Our scientific mission is to advance ultrafast laser technology, explore new areas of coherent light generation, and apply our uniquely tailored ultrafast sources to better understand chemical, biological, and physical processes.
We are delighted to announce that Dr. Tim Vogel has successfully defended his doctoral thesis with distinction! With great commitment, expertise and perseverance, he has achieved a milestone that deserves the highest recognition.
We are happy to announce that Dr. Sergei Tomilov has successfully defended his doctoral thesis! With great dedication, expertise and perseverance, he has achieved a milestone that deserves the highest recognition.
Spectrally broad cw lasers can produce autocorrelation traces resembling those of mode-locked lasers, risking misinterpretation. For lasers with GHz mode spacing, slow optoelectronics complicate validation. We compare autocorrelations of mode-locked and cw Ti:Sa lasers and propose a new measurement to prevent errors in identifying mode locking.
The award of a grant by the European Research Council ERC is one of the most prestigious in the European scientific community. Prof. Clara Saraceno will use an ERC Consolidator Grant to develop ultrafast lasers for adjusting the composition of plasmas. This revolutionizes light generation, but also other areas and opens up completely new fields of research.