Our scientific mission is to advance ultrafast laser technology, explore new areas of coherent light generation, and apply our uniquely tailored ultrafast sources to better understand chemical, biological, and physical processes.
We demonstrate the correlation between cumulative hydrodynamics of high-repetition-rate filament plasmas and THz generation efficiency. Our work opens the door for rapid THz-spectroscopy studies with high dynamic range from THz to mid-IR frequencies, significantly accelerating measurement times.
Today we celebrate the dedication of women to science and their success in their specific fields! The pictures show Prof. Dr. Clara Saraceno, head of our research group along with Dr. Anna Ono on one of our set-ups.
We are delighted to announce that Dr. Tim Vogel has successfully defended his doctoral thesis with distinction! With great commitment, expertise and perseverance, he has achieved a milestone that deserves the highest recognition.
We are happy to announce that Dr. Sergei Tomilov has successfully defended his doctoral thesis! With great dedication, expertise and perseverance, he has achieved a milestone that deserves the highest recognition.