Welcome to RayVen

We are building ultrafast lasers that emit at 2.1µm. This is the result of unprecedented scientific expertise and will open new possibilities for exploring our world and expanding our current technologies.
The genesis of our project took place at the Ruhr University Bochum where we demonstrate the first proof of principle: a compact ultrafast laser emitting at 2.1µm, a wavelength promising for various applications in industry.
We are funded by EXIST Forschung transfer program since January 2024.


The RayVen Team

Dr. Celia Millon

Dr. Celia Millon (CM) received her PhD degree in Physics at the Atomic Energy Commission (Saclay, France). During her PhD, she developed a prototype of laser ultrasonics to control metallic additive manufacturing processes. She broadened her knowledge in laser application as a post-doc researcher in Ecole Polytechnique in the Applied Optics Laboratory (LOA) where she worked on filamentation generated by nano and femtosecond lasers. Currently, CM is a post-doctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Saraceno, focusing on THz generation and water spectroscopy. She also has experience working in big facilities.


Dr. Yicheng Wang

Dr. Yicheng Wang (YW) earned his PhD in Physics from Free University Berlin (FUB) while conducting research at the Max-Born Institute (MBI) in Berlin, a renowned ultrafast laser and spectroscopy research institute. He also holds an MSc in material science from Shandong University, China, with expertise in crystal growth and laser material characterization. During his postdoc in the PULS group, YW focused on high-power lasers for novel applications, achieving record-breaking results, including HoLa and 2-µm solid-state lasers for THz generation. He currently leads laser development in the PULS group and mentors students. YW will spearhead product development due to his laser expertise and crystal materials knowledge.


Dr. Michael Müller

Dr. Michael Mueller (MM) received his PhD degree in Physics from the Friedrich Schiller University (Jena, Germany) where he developed the world’s most powerful ultrafast fiber lasers. Besides he worked on high-power nonlinear pulse compression and frequency conversion. During his post-doctoral stay at the Time-Frequency Laboratory in the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, he extended his knowledge to solid-state oscillators and thin-disk lasers, fully covering modern laser technology.


M.A. Melusine Reimers

Melusine Reimers holds an M.A. in Philosophy, Sociology and Media Studies from Goethe University Frankfurt and founded a Germany-wide NGO for refugee academics and professionals during her studies. After she finished her studies she co-founded a sustainable food factory and went on to found the first platform for furniture sharing in Germany. She then worked as a start-up coach and project manager for the WORLDFACTORY Start-up Center at Ruhr University. Her diverse professional experience includes financial planning, legal frameworks, team leadership and the efficient linking of scientific knowledge with entrepreneurial practice. She published her experiences in organisational management 2022 in: Navigating a travelling organization (Springer International Publishing).


EPIC SUMMIT 2024 - Juan les pins, France

April 16th-18th 2024

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Moonshots and Moneten - Paderborn, Germany

February 16th 2024

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SPIE Photonics West - San Fransisco, USA

January 27th to 1st February, 2024

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Prizes and awards

World Factory Demo Day 2023

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Proof it!

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Optica Award

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